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Boundary element software is becoming popular in the analysis of complex 3-D solid components, where it is difficult for users to build FEM models even using p-type elements. Detailed features of solid models or models with large volumes can require a large number of tetrahedral finite elements, which can become cumbersome. Boundary elements remove the need to mesh throughout the volume of the component.

Boundary element codes can carry out most linear analysis on complex geometry with great accuracy. The method requires more algebra, but the models are much easier to build because they contain far fewer elements than do finite element models.

During the 1980s, Dr. Banerjee's (founder) efforts to make the mathematics useful attracted several million dollars in funding from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as well as from U.S. and European automotive and aerospace companies. The efforts have resulted in several public-domain BEM codes released over the last decade, including the Boundary Element Software Technology (BEST 3D, BEST CMS, BEST FSI, etc.) codes. In 1990, NASA publicly distributed the research software Banerjee had developed through Cosmic, the technology transfer arm of the Department of Commerce. While other boundary element software packages exist, the codes on which Banerjee's software is based are still the only ones available to the public.

The GPBEST (General Purpose Boundary Element Software Technology) software stemmed from the above technology foundation created the research effort initiated in 1982 by Lewis Research Center and by Pratt & Whitney division of United Technologies . A significant product of that research was a "research level" code, it generated wide interest in the computational mechanics community because of its breakthrough potential for solid and structural mechanics applications.

There remained a clear need for a commercial derivative software product. Beginning in 1986, Dr. Banerjee developed the commercial software GPBEST and founded BEST Corporation to market it. The software is in wide use for solving such problems as stress analysis with gaps, contacts, interference fits with different materials assembled together, heat transfer, fluid analysis and the yielding and cracking of solids. Distributed by Boundary Element Software Technology Corporation, Getzville, New York. As its name indicates, GPBEST employs the boundary element method of mechanical engineering analysis, as opposed to finite element analysis (FEA), the dominant method. Although BEM theory dates back almost a century, it had shortcomings that stunted its commercial development until recently, when the advent of advanced, powerful computers and advances in linear algebra elevated BEM to its status as a cost-effective alternative to traditional analysis methods.






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